Heart muscles - Cardiac Muscle - Myocardium

Muscles have tendency to contract and relax.. Muscles are responsible for every movement of the body... it becomes smaller when contracts and larger when relaxes.

Types of Muscles and Cardiac muscles

Types of Muscles in Human Body
Cardiac muscle cells , Skeletal Muscle
cells and smooth Muscle cell. Heart
is made up of Cardiac Muscles.

There are three types of muscles. Skeletal muscle cells, smooth Muscle cells and Cardiac Muscle cells.

Skeletal muscles:cover the whole skeleton and they about 640 muscles. Muscles are attached to the bones by means of tendons. they are voluntary.
Smooth muscles: are involuntary. they are not under the control of the organism. they make most of the organs of the body. like stomach intestines etc.
Cardiac Muscles:
Cardiac muscles or heart muscles are striped muscles same like the skeletal muscle cells. they are involuntary and automatically contracts and relaxes. to squeeze the wall of the heart. Heart beats because of the cardiac muscles.
Cardiac muscles - striped muscles
muscles of the heart

Cardiac muscles are under the control of the automatic nervous system.
Myocardium: Myo means muscles and cardium means heart. Myocardium is the middle and thickest layer of the heart. Cardiac muscles are multicellular and nucleus is located in the centre of the cell. all the cells are connected to each other by means of intercalated discs.
muscles of the heart | myocardium | cardiac muscles
Cardiac muscles under microscope
magnified view of the heart muscles
Cardiac muscle cells are connected together and move together as a unit, so all the muscles cells in the right atrium contract and relax at the same time, then all the muscle cells in the right ventrical contract and relax at the same time. The contraction of the cardiac muscles are controlled by the electrical impulses sent from the SA and AV nodes. these impulse travels through the heart.

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